Day 16 - Costa Mesa & Huntington Beach

6th August 2016


After a wonderfully long, and much needed sleep in a very comfortable Motel 6 in Costa Mesa, we got up and went to the next door 'Newport Donuts'. Doughnuts. For breakfast, What the hell has happened to us? I must say, mine wasn't even very nice, but Oliver and Andrew liked theirs.

We had packed up the car for the beach, and on the way there, we stopped at Target. Cousin Sarah has explained to me that Target is the middle class person's Walmart. I guess like the Waitrose to Asda thing.  Andrew and Oli had spotted a Lamborghini garage just before the turning for Target, so they decided to go there and I was left ON MY OWN in Target. My own little heaven. I loved it! I found everything I needed, and some more that I didn't need. Wonderful. I only popped in for sun lotion, and $100 later I was skipping along happy as they come. The boys had had a full showroom tour of 'the Lambos' so everyone was happy.

Ten minutes later, and no traffic, we were parked in the car park for Huntington Beach. This had been on the itinerary because my sister recommended it, from her time living in this area. The guide book had noted that this area was officially named 'Surf City USA'  ahead of Santa Cruz (and I think it was a sore point) because of the amazing surf at this beach. Gosh it was beautiful. A hugely wide  beach, and the softest white sand. Oliver and Andrew attempted to play volleyball over the huge nets, and struggled. Those nets are pretty high. I laid on the beach towel and listened to the ocean and felt the sun on my face. Bliss.


We moved ourselves closer to the ocean, and watched the children fighting with the waves. Now you know I don't 'do' rides? Well I don't ‘do' sea either. Andrew and Oliver leapt into the ocean and prepared to battle the waves. They were huge. I've not seen Oliver laugh that much for ages (he's normally reluctant to go into the sea). The waves were crashing in to the beach and pushing people over, then pulling them back in. It was all going very well, lots of smiles, until Oliver got pushed over by a wave and hit his head. He was fine, but just upset. So that left me to get him back in. In I went, and on came the waves. And it was great fun. Trying to jump up and stop the waves from hitting you, but they were head height, so pretty difficult. So strong. Andrew said to me "Al, you are in the Pacific Ocean - how fantastic!' and it was. Silly fears, always holding me back. Looks what happens when I face them.


I went to get some drinks to wash the salt away, and as I turned away from the ocean, I noticed a large group of people all dressed the same way.  Red shorts, white tops. Lifeguards. Then I saw about a hundred children, all dressed in the same way, heading towards them. I caught up with two young boys (about Oliver's age) and asked them what they were doing. Summer Lifeguard school came the answer. They are spending their time off from school learning to be lifeguards. Now how cool is  that? Funny, I told them that I came from London, and their eyes popped out on stalks. They said they'd love to see London. I suggested they visit it sometime, but to most definitely stay living in Huntington Beach. They spent the whole time on the beach, seemingly having a fantastic time.


The beach was quite busy, but the people all seemed to be absorbed somehow. Not unpleasantly busy. Lots of very interesting people just spending time. Lots of AMAZING beach bodies. This is the America that I had expected to see in California. Toned, slim, healthy looking women and men with surf bodies to die for. These bodies are healthy and looked after.

We saw a beach cafe that claimed to sell the World Famous Cheese Strips. Ever heard of them? No, me neither. But we've eaten them now. Tortilla chips with melted cheese and a secret tomato sauce. Nice, but not world famous. Not this week, especially as I asked for them without the cheese and was met with a strange look from the cheese strip seller.

After a drink and the famous meal, we walked along to the pier. Lots of fishermen. Nice little walk, and the most amazing view of the surfers.


I thought we had seen some surfing skills in Ventura, but wow, these men were something else. Riding the hugest waves until they reach the beach, and making it look so easy. I could have watched them for hours.

Back on the promenade, and we hired a Surrey bike. Three of us squeezed onto a single rider. Oh boy, that was hard work. Well, not for me, as I was in the middle, so had no pedals! An hour of up and down the promenade with us taking turns on who pedals, and we rewarded ourselves with an ice-cream.


Back in the car, and Oliver and Andrew had a swim in the motel pool, while I showered and washed my hair. For the first time in a while, I put a dress on, and we went to the local Italian restaurant for a carbohydrate top up. We went back to the Motel to watch the Olympics opening ceremony.


It's been a lovely day. I know that the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence, but seriously, Southern Californians have a great life. The sun, the beach.. I think it must affect how you work (you have to slow down) and how you feel. We spoke to a Mexican guy in the restaurant tonight who said he could really not go back to Mexico now. He says that if you adjust to the SoCal way, and fit in, then there are opportunities for you and it's a great way of life.
